poetry – IT IN Place http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace Fri, 30 Jan 2015 18:02:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.15 Without Memory http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2013/05/03/without-memory/ Fri, 03 May 2013 06:19:13 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=4192

Brooklyn rising up in ocean purple fiction, crossing detail.
The Waitress smiling, hopping, hoping sangria slice.
Step branching around when spoken needles speak cannibal –
Entranced by Princess and a pea.
Flocking scribbles running wishbone assembly.
Light Hanging on drop gas.
Steeple steeple shinning, houses ghost story.
Brick and maple divinity lost glasses.
Signs, paintings, trophies spinning softly tulips.
Tiger running out minimal mash up detour.
Orange star dragon mountains –
Refined big bananas bloom pink fur phone reflection.
Wash hair enclosed chess horse zebra.
Zuzu’s Petals, missing lock sprung cat.
Stuffed school sport trees willing into existence perfect living guns and butter –
Reminds distressed turkey turning bananas.
Inflates power lit large.
Piped pitched paper bag lion remembers saying nothing and hoops the fix.
Spiral seeking one thousand parapets.
Ulysees granted sirens.
Bather hunted haunted rising setting rising out of piled out blue.
Held onto patiently – meeting wiggers becoming without memory

Crying a Lot 49 Open Mic (Cryptic) http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2009/11/07/crying-a-lot-49-open-mic/ Sat, 07 Nov 2009 20:49:22 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=3396
17 Frost Street 11211
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
7pm-9pm Music, Poetry, Short Films
All sets under 15 minutes,
Bring films on DVD

]]> Wild And Free http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2009/10/28/wild-and-free/ Wed, 28 Oct 2009 05:04:03 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=3367

MUSIC, POETRY, & SHORT FILM (10-15 minute sets, please bring Movies on DVD )






Here Is a portrait of me by Loxy Fady drawn during yesterday’s art class. We thought it looked like a Wild Thing and I drew in the horns.

The Meatball Parade http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2009/10/12/the-meatball-parade/ Mon, 12 Oct 2009 17:48:01 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=3333 Went out with the X for meatball madness. She gave me a Pentax camera which was unexpectedly sweet, but also felt like something of a consolation boobie prize: I keep hearing the x in pentax. Later, I had a disorientingly real and banal dream where I watched her sleeping with her head against my chest and I had that feeling of being home for the first time in months, and then I woke up alone… but with a camera… that sounds like five axes. I went to take a shit and read this poem by e.e. cummings:

it may not always be so;and i say
that if your lips,which i have loved,should touch
another’s, and your dear strong fingers clutch
his heart, as mine in time not far away;
if on another’s face your sweet hair lay
in such a silence as i know,or such
great writhing words as,uttering overmuch,
stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;

if this should be, i say if this should be–
you of my heart, send me a little word;
that i may go unto him,and take his hands,
saying, Accept all happiness from me.
Then shall i turn my face, and hear one bird
sing terribly afar in the lost lands.

Greetings From England http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2009/07/04/greetings-from-england/ Sun, 05 Jul 2009 00:44:25 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=3241
A heart stencil from the found Left Bank Paris card. UU wishing the ugly American a happy birthday from London.

Nevermore http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2009/06/29/nevermore/ Mon, 29 Jun 2009 19:32:24 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=3232 Thoughts on Pere LaChaise and Jim and the ancient Greeks.

Paris Underground Skin http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2009/06/18/paris-underground-skin/ Thu, 18 Jun 2009 16:48:05 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=3172 First two collages made with U U at Café Sauvignon on the left bank. We were tearing up maps and The Little Prince.

Pablo Neruda York http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2009/04/28/pablo-neruda-york/ Tue, 28 Apr 2009 13:23:30 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=3024 Everything feels like a love poem in New York. The place is littered with the confetti of a million flowers. Alas my beloved has allergies.

A picasso I saw down in Baltimore and the Court house hidden by cherry blossoms.

Buy Yourself Prettier Flowers http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/10/28/buy_yourself_prettier_flowers/ Tue, 28 Oct 2008 13:46:26 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/10/buy_yourself_prettier_flowers.html flowers.jpg
So yesterday I went for a run in the park and with all the wind and rain, the Osage orange tree dropped a bushel of fruit and I grabbed 8 and then a sprig of wild flowers and left them for Sylvie on the kitchen counter before leaving to see Ben (formerly of the Institute) eat the stage at Galapagos. We all went out for dinner after and being broke I did the old Paris routine and actually sold some drawings. I left this note and some cash under the wild flowers for Sylvie in the morning.

Fluxed Up http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/10/06/fluxed_up/ Mon, 06 Oct 2008 14:21:35 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/10/fluxed_up.html fluxedupbook.jpg
Fluxed Up from MariaNYC on Vimeo.
Wonderful documentation of my USSA show by Maria Niro with some real live fluxus (well recorded and found on Ubu Web) music and poetry: Poem Whispered History of Art / Robert Fillou
Overlaid on Symphony Natura/ Henning Christiansen.
Followed by Ground Swell solo sax by Colin Stetson

]]> Hanging Myself http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/09/23/me_hanging_myself_right_now/ Wed, 24 Sep 2008 03:52:25 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/09/me_hanging_myself_right_now.html studyinjoyce.jpg
Not funny really in this time of Infinite Jests, but maybe it is really exactly how I feel. I mean in the sense of eternal return, or Metampsychosis, or however you spell it and whatever Joyce was talking about…. I’m hanging the show. I feel like a worker… in the Marxist sense of that word: working on the ladders with the back into it. I mean to say that hanging a book is a physical act. I’ve been training for it like a boxer at the gym.. but my fucking thumbs are still weak for the push pins and the map pins and the pins and needles and needles and pins…..feel like a carpenter… feel like Christ crucified… stigmata on my thumb. LOL. music here is some odd Brian Wilson post Smile mid mad period song. Fucking lovely and perfect fit for my raw time lapse. More to come…

]]> The Dark Side of the Loon http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/09/16/the_dark_side_of_the_loon/ Tue, 16 Sep 2008 09:16:28 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/09/the_dark_side_of_the_loon.html darksundry.gifThere was a rainbow around the moon tonight at ten and I ran up to the roof to watch the lunatic clouds flowing by all back lit in a Pink Floyd prism and I was thinking about Rick Wright dying and David Foster Wallace hanging himself from the end of an infinite jest and the stink of sepsis fills the house from the necrotic tumor of my slowly dying dog and it was another day at the vet with free falling finance and the threat of reemergent Republicans buzzing in my ear from my little A.M. radio I use to keep my self from going insane, or it’s opposite. So I thought of the Organ opening to Us and Them from the Dark Side of the Moon and decided to share it with you. A little memorial service from the cathedral of cold front clouds.

]]> Impossible Monsters http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/09/03/impossible_monsters/ Wed, 03 Sep 2008 17:48:37 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/09/impossible_monsters.html
The summer seems to end in a late night taxi ride.

Tales of Brave Horsecookies http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/05/30/tales_of_brave_horsecookies/ Fri, 30 May 2008 18:46:42 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/05/tales_of_brave_horsecookies.html

When I finally get back to my loft, I find an enormous box at the foot of the stairs. It is addressed to me and of course the elevator can’t be found. I wrestle the thing up several flights and I feel like Buster Keaton, when I notice someone filming my progress. My whole building has been invaded by a company of film players. The actors are all over the building pretending that they live there. They are even pretending to live in my studio where I push the box and ask someone what’s going on. The Camera then comes through the corridors and up the stairs in one long continuous shot as the drama unfolds in real time. There are intimate acts and gunshots and people I know and people I don’t and everywhere is the set, everyone are the players. Reality and fiction are completely blurred and I end up with a fairly large scene in the movie. Apparently the climax of the picture is a big wedding party on the outskirts of town and the whole company and I are loaded up into coach buses and taken off to the location/wedding/reception. When we get there it looks like an Italy I know from the movies of the early sixties: a few new modern housing blocks in a field of brick rubble and tall grass. They’ve set up a tent and strings of holiday lights and a fashionable band that I don’t know, but I think I’ve heard of starts to play and we all eat and drink and dance in the intermittent showers that cast a cinematic sheen on all the edges of brick. I am no longer sure if I’m an actor, or a person; did someone get married, or make a film… anyway it’s a pretty good party.

]]> Yab Yum http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/03/29/yab_yum/ Sat, 29 Mar 2008 16:44:53 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/03/yab_yum.html sensesen.jpg
Last Night I had a dream
It was much more interesting than my life
I would have stayed asleep
if it wasn’t for the dog with diarrhea

itself to draw reading http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/03/24/itself_to_draw_reading/ Mon, 24 Mar 2008 19:59:02 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/03/itself_to_draw_reading.html stetsoncolossus.jpg
A drawing in the pages of Kerouac’s Dharma Bums that I started at Colin Stetson’s concert and finished in the studio. I’m currently editing the film documentation of the reading on Friday. I’m actually using a track from his new cd and it’s working very well.

I Want More http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/03/18/i_want_more_/ Wed, 19 Mar 2008 01:03:30 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/03/i_want_more_.html portmap.jpg
I’m thinking of this, the second part of the Portland Trilogy, as the Valley of Desire.

The Let Letter http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/02/20/the_let_letter/ Wed, 20 Feb 2008 21:05:16 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/02/the_let_letter.html letred.jpgletletter.jpgletscar.jpg

Wild Chorus http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/02/19/wild_chorus/ Tue, 19 Feb 2008 21:07:34 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/02/wild_chorus.html wildchorus.jpgbirds take wing

Sports http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/02/17/sports/ Mon, 18 Feb 2008 03:43:19 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/02/sports.html sports.jpg

Bells Collecting Porcelain Sound http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2008/02/01/bells_collecting_porcelain_sound/ Fri, 01 Feb 2008 21:56:22 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2008/02/bells_collecting_porcelain_sound.html bellsound.jpgporcelain.jpg
Porcelain can opener
open ring
ring out ring in
pabst the road to the city
bought with beads beads

Black Water http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/10/30/black_water/ Tue, 30 Oct 2007 22:04:00 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/10/black_water.html treecrate.jpg
Is Blackwater just another name for oil?

3 Poems from Mushmoon http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/07/02/3_poems_from_mushmoon/ Mon, 02 Jul 2007 17:08:00 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/07/3_poems_from_mushmoon.html mushmoon.jpguggle.giffingers.jpg
Was up on the roof the other day with my friend Francis. He is a poet by night and right and seller of wine by day. Nice thing about Francis is he always has a bag of “juice” when he shows up and the day turns to a tasting and talk of the other tiers in the trinity:women and song. Here he is singing for you and Pigato White.

Brown Ain't No Place For White Shoes http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/06/19/brown_aint_no_place_for_white_shoes/ Tue, 19 Jun 2007 13:13:33 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/06/brown_aint_no_place_for_white_shoes.html
Been on some sort of reunion vibe these last few months… some sort of black sheep returneth trip or what have you. So in keeping with that mode, I went for a little dumpling picknick with one of my favorite Alums of old Camp Bruno and we blathered for a long time and drank beer from paper bags in the park while the chinese kids played handball and layed out a pang thud thud pang soundtrack in the summer night.

Earlier, I had a near religious experience (not only was someone sky writing x and y all over brooklyn, but…) when I crossed Manhattan bridge by foot, the light came behind the brooklyn in such a way that it cast a magnificent reverse gothic arch shadow across the flaming sunset water… the key hole arches both cut out in fire on the water. It was only there for about sixty seconds, but good shit it was glorious and luckily I was on a nikon safari. New York is just a magnificent place sometimes and its filled with people that you know and love, but didn’t know were living so close to you. One big urban reunion project.

Kodachrome Nikon Daze http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/06/13/kodachrome_nikon_daze/ Wed, 13 Jun 2007 22:20:26 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/06/kodachrome_nikon_daze.html
the animated bunny is from Brian Raszka for The Library Project. The first image is of my archive under my house in CT where all the old days are stored… outdoors… it’s a long story… you should read the old days of the blog, etc…. anyways I made that shit to last and last they shall and fuck time and fuck space and rain and….

gee don’t I sound like king lear?

Well a house devided, etc.

Run For The Roses http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/06/06/run_for_the_roses/ Wed, 06 Jun 2007 21:39:51 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/06/run_for_the_roses.html
from alexandre ITIN
Here we go contrasting Vimeo Old and Vimeo New. any troubles? Drop line… IT’s called Beta testing….my but the new one looks yar to quote the Philedelphia Story. INfact it is now fucked up… someone with fish… ha… well I’m working on seeing what happened to the vid

Great script for Vimeons to remake…. hmmm.. Suggest it to Jakob won’t you… but then who is the new Jimmy Stewart… fuck that… who will be Kate?

Run For The Roses from Alex Itin on Vimeo

Free Cash http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/06/01/free_cash/ Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:57:37 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/06/free_cash.html hellmoney.gif
animated Hell Money essay from the same time as the slide sheet I sent to Dadi Wirz. I just reunited all my hell money. That should be good luck right? Maybe now I should burn it?

The player here is Veho because I burnt most of my megs at vimeo. Nice thing about Veoh is that you can play the vid full screen and it allows you to run longish vids with fairly high rez. I con’t much like the player bar at thebottom, but it’s servicable for todays blog diptyque.

The Video is from today when I dropped the dog off to cut a summer trim (and stop the pant pant) I went walkabout to the park and museum and Library (there to check on possibly showing the Library Project collabs… got to contact the currator). I found the Technology Share Fair for Brooklyn Schools while walking the halls of Brooklyn Museum… I ran into Cash while wanting something to quench my thirst. He offered up lemon ginger ale… it has been the basis of my ever evolving liquids all day (adding coke and lemon juice and wine sorbet and only leaving it for Miller Time).

The music here is from Dave Chapelle’s Block Party CD (from Brooklyn Public Library) and is Mos Def and posse. Bill Batson gave me Mos Def shirt years ago when the Queen kicked me out of the Kingdom and had me Siddhartha sleeping on couches without clothes or money. I always wore it with pride… but am only learning why now. Mos Def is most def…. Busy Bee me. No sleep in Brooklyn.

Let It Be Victory Memorial http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/05/29/memorial_strategery_ovation/ Tue, 29 May 2007 08:00:52 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/05/memorial_strategery_ovation.html (with this player you might need to hit the volume wedge at the bottom right to hear the soundtrack which rocks)..

Memorial day meets dying dog and filet Mingnon and brats and Frank’s wild years and The Royal Wylds live with the book art from Double You at The Library Project. Here’s the start of my Hell Money slide list that I just got back from Dadi Wirz in Switzerland. He had my slides for about seven years and showed them to all the galleries he liked in Basel, etc. No bites, but still nice of him to try and all this time later, it is a thrill to see a complete slide sheet from that era. I was pretty fucking good back then and as Allan Stone told me DeKooning used to say after a whiskey or two: “Those fucking bastards are going to pay… they are going to have to fucking pay and pay and pay… where were they when I needed them? Now they are going to have to pay.”

]]> Zarathustra's Secret Garden http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/05/23/zarathustras_secret_garden/ Wed, 23 May 2007 08:29:03 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/05/zarathustras_secret_garden.html zarathustrasgarden.jpg
A vlog fooling with painting and Lou Reed and Bowie and thoughts on upcoming Royal Wylds music Video for Kimbo and some documentationof my work next to Crista Grauer’s at Artflux last week and just, you know, loving spring in Beautiful Sugar Mountain Brooklyn.

Pittsburgh Going Ashore – Pittsburgh Coming Aboard http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/05/22/pittsburgh_coming_ashore_-_pittsburgh_coming_aboard/ Tue, 22 May 2007 14:15:53 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/05/pittsburgh_coming_ashore_-_pittsburgh_coming_aboard.html stellapit.jpgrelativityonion.jpg
ABC is as easy as 1 2 3 as easy as Do Ray Me, you see?

Once I saw the changing of command on the USS Pittsburgh at Grotton, CT with my brother from a Bolex mother. When The Captain leaves the ship they blow a dog whistle and say: “Pittsburgh going Ashore.” It is as if the soul of the boat has left the boat. When The new Captain walks the gangplank, the dog whistle is blown in opposite progression and the Ensign speaks these magic jazz hand words: “Pittsburgh Coming Aboard!” and it is as if the boat is born again.

Me and Pat call melady Young Pas (or green onion in Korean, or Sly to the Midwesterners or Sylvie to you… etc.): Pittsburgh. She is the Captain my Captain. She is the queen of that little steel Swiss, but rusting Town in the middle of the Eastern Sea Board. I was throwing out all my old clothes yesterday and getting rid of all the wire and plastic hangers… nothing but wood is good quoath Pittsburgh and I concurred while wearing the buddhist Stettson and the silk guns and the Star Wars blasters still in the a tiny casket to be burried by the IRA somwhere beside the river Liffey. I tripped and fell upon a Bazooka shell full of old memories of Pittsburgh’s youth and there were steller shots of her as Stella amongst the stars and my street car named desire and some calling cards from old beaux and a shot of her leaning away from a dire wolf… him stealling kisses and trying to eat her heart out and I realize it is good to walk with pax but always have silk guns in a silk casket somewhere… the silent big stick as the Church on the Hill said, or was it The Mac daddy Author, or Ike? Yes Ike who I like if only because he said, “Beware the military industrial complex”… The king can speak the truth, but the wolves are still there… stealing kisses, and hearts, and gold, and souls.

I became quite green with jealousy looking at the explosive contents of the shell… and then I found a receipt for the first futon we ever shared and a letter I wrote to fair Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh when I was in the Tower of Pain and hats and song. It was not the most regal of things… a manic all night scrawl on yellow legal paper… but you know what? It was really a very romantic letter. It brought a single tear to my eye that dropped into the vast Atlantic… How can a shell hold such wealth I thought? For in that moment I realized that this was a contract signed thirteen years ago… So Why has it taken me so long to honor it and honor fair Pittsburgh?

… Because you see, I have been hiding in plain sight, playing the fool on the hill. Now it is time to wear the purple robes and take the crown that is mine. Today Pittsburgh. Tomorrow the world. It is my job to be her knight in shining armor coming to her emotional rescue on a fine Arab charger. It is my job to keep the dire wolves at bay. Hail Pittsburgh hail the Queen.
I was at Freddy’s the night Sly Fox left for Las Vegas and I gave two guys my moleskin and said, “Make me a drawing, buy me a beer…sort of as a joke…and I went outside to smoke… when I got back they had drawn this and bought me a magic hat #9… it is names of the superbowl champion (two years in a row) Steelers from the seventies when I used to wear the black and gold slicker to protect me from the hard rain…. Coin see dances coincidences…. They were Pittsburgher… friends from many moons ago… reunited in the city on a drunkes Spree… fiddle di di.

Drunken Boat http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/05/20/drunken_boat/ Sun, 20 May 2007 13:10:45 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/05/drunken_boat.html
freeworld.jpgOh the honey and the wine and women and song did pour fourth from the mouth of a yellow whale, where I crashed upon the shore of some magnificent island populated by circe and her two sisters yin and yang. It was like the crystal noise from Zimmerman’s lyre and moaning of monica. There were the hebrews and the Romans and Celtic tribe as well, but I walked with silk guns and white arab charger to unite the world on one great drunken boat

or: I went eating and wine tasting at Tribecca festival. If you want to be treated well in life, I suggest you roll with beautiful Korean women, you’d be surprised what people will give you for free, just because of those lovely smiling eyes. Then off to the temple on the mount for Noahs Barmitzvah… havanagela and MORE wine and food and dancing of the horah and on and on. You cant make this sort of stuff up. It is just wild eyed JOY…. Be Attitude and Beat Less.
This is Harry Twep… an Id character that I drew on a retreat when I was maybe thirteen years old, or so… ironic…. My mom scanned it for a my fortieth birthday card. She’s some kind of witch or something… I mean that in a good way.

Orson Whales http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/05/03/moby_welles/ Fri, 04 May 2007 04:01:51 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/05/moby_welles.html

This is more or less a birthday gift to myself. I’ve been drawing it on every page of Moby Dick (using two books to get both sides of each page) for months. The soundtrack is built from searching “moby dick” on You Tube (I was looking for Orson’s Preacher from the the John Huston film), I couldn’t find the preacer, but you find tons of Led Zep and drummers doing Bonzo and a little Orson reading from the Novel for a failed Italian T.V. film…… makes for a nice Melville in the end.

Cinqo de Mayo I turn Forty. Ahhhhhhh the French Champagne.

Worshiper http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/04/18/worshiper/ Wed, 18 Apr 2007 18:39:09 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/04/worshiper.html toillette.gifIn the morning He wakes up and she is already in the mirror and he is coming in and out of sleep and seeing her seeing her and not seeing him seeing. It’s all so beautiful and mixes up with dreams… untill she leaves.

Another Green World http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/04/03/another_green_world/ Tue, 03 Apr 2007 14:05:19 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/04/another_green_world.html
Another vlog while I scan and scan. This remix has a lot of Goddard clips and a Brian Eno mash up. The drawing is a finish of a Carloine VK start from The Library Project. Stangely today Moby Dick came on TCM. I missed, however, Orson’s Sermon.

Butterflew http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/03/28/butterflew/ Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:45:17 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/03/butterflew.html
the Library project based vid Butterfly (A collab of A. Saunders, Raszka and Me) made the the daily reel top ten last week and since I’m below water working on Moby Dick, I thought I’d repost it along with a new Book Collab from Caroline VK of The Library project. The infinite butter.

I Made Pictures of Making a Picture of Everyone Who Might Be Looking At These Pictures of Everyone http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2007/03/07/i_made_pictures_of_making_a_picutre_of_everyone_who_might_be_looking_at_these_pictures_of_everyone/ Wed, 07 Mar 2007 20:03:41 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/wp-content/archives/2007/03/i_made_pictures_of_making_a_picutre_of_everyone_who_might_be_looking_at_these_pictures_of_everyone.html shortcrowd.jpg


This was interesting in a lot of different ways… the most obvious here is how do you describe a horizontal scroll on a vertical scroll. That’s one of the many conflicting impuses embodied in this crowd… all born out of monkeybook and being surrounded by a physical audience… who is my audience?… I think I’ll draw them and perform infront of the drawing. Today’s post also asks the guestion (more than most), which here is the real work of art? The drawing, or the film of the drawing, or the whole thing together on the blog, or what?

cadavre exquis (or Fall Breaks and Back to Winter) http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2006/10/26/cadavre_exquis_or_fall_breaks_and_back_to_winter/ Thu, 26 Oct 2006 20:17:02 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=768
delysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copydelysid copy

She fell asleep with moby dick spread across her face like the fins of white whale, but somehow, he had finally figured out how to get on the Internet and started searching Basel, the city of his father. She called it “the Fatherland” as a joke and because all Germans sounded like Nazis to her and it pissed him off to no end, which was fun to watch. You could predict his response:

“The Swiss were the only neutral country… you want to blame someone, blame the fucking French, they capitulated like drunk whores…. The Swiss actually saved some Jews….They couldn’t save all of them.”

“Stole their money.”

“What is money compared to life? These survivors don’t get it….This is numbered accounts….. the birth of it.. is.. what? thirty six?… They don’t know the number, they don’t get the money… No Tickey, no shirty. You’re Korean….That’s just business. They set up the numbered accounts to keep the fucking Nazis from freezing the assets… don’t you get it? The Nazis were the law. They legally stole the money… it was legal… the Swiss did the Jews a favor with the numbered accounts….then now they get blamed for it….Typical…”

And she would begin to goose step around the kitchen and Make a fake mustache with her finger and say like John Cleese in FawltyTowers, “Vhatever you do, don’t Mention ze Var! I zink I mentioned it vonce, but I got away wis it.”

And then he would realize that she was playing him for a laugh and so he would laugh, but that night he followed a link and somehow stumbled onto an online version of My Problem Child. He started reading after the cheese rich wine washed kirsh ending dinner and read it the whole way through the cold night as she quietly snored and the room glowed from the LCD screen. The text was like a door opening in a stone wall. She got up to piss the Gewurtzterminer at five in the morning as he was hitting the end and he said, “Let’s go to Basel. We’ve been planning to stop there.”
“No,” She said. “We were planning to go to Paris and the train….ALL trains stop in Basel.”
“Listen,” he said. ” The first train is at five. If we go now, we can see the sun rise on the rhine. My grandfather was a baker. I want to show you where he had the bakery…”
“What time is it?”
“Late for a baker I can tell you… they’re up at three. We can go to the cemetary.”
“How romantic,” she said.
” We’ll find my father’s stone in the cemetary.. the one he carved for my grandmother…. and I want to find the bridge.”
“What bridge?”
“The LSD bridge… where Hoffman rode the bicycle in 1938 before the war… the worlds first acid trip.”
“He accidently turned a bread fungus into LSD… or isolated LSD… same thing that made the Salem Witches go crazy… Ergot.”
“My God,’ she said.
“No Ergot…. sounds more like OUR GOD… Ergot EEEEERRRRGHOOOOT!,” he started to spell it for her. “E…R…G…”
You’re tellng me some Swiss guy invented acid?”
“Well he was working for Sandoz… they owned the patent.”
“Somebody patented LSD…”
“Not somebody. Sandoz. Major Pharmeceutical…”
“I know who they are… They were one of my clients at the add agency… You’re telling me they invented acid?”
“Sold it mostly to the C.I.A… and I guess a few universities…like Harvard and some shrinks… or maybe the C.I.A. gave it to the universities…it depends who is telling the story… M.K. Ultra was the program….assholes thought it would make a good weapon and it turned into a peace movement on them… Talk about irony?”
“What a fucking weird country… I thought it was all just chocolate and cheese…”
“That and knives and guns and drugs… and watches..and money….(beat) Fucking weird country….Pretty though.”
“Sure…Pretty,” she said
And they got dressed and gathered a few books and a camera and went to catch the earliest train to Basel for the sun and the Rhein and the good Basel brot straight from some bakery not his family’s and probably corporate owned by now, but still better than anything in America.

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Death is not information
Stone that I am
He came into my quiet
And I will be still for him

“Mask for Janus”: W.S. Merwin

]]> Dog Daysdream (a Collage Brut) http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2006/07/21/dog_daysdream_a_collage_brut/ Sat, 22 Jul 2006 05:18:13 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=645

Woke up on a raft of dreams floating through galleries where submarines submerged with Heroin nodding Gallerists down to the lower depths with bubbles and a bobbing buoy, leaving me alone in white walls. I walked out to find the B-1 bomber passing overhead and I said to the nearest ear, “I saw one of those crash once…. The escorting F-15 clipped it’s wing and it augured in like a brick drill bit.” And we turned up to watch the blue bomber turn and get clipped by an F-15 escort. It fell behind the trees with a fireball.

I saw a red box full of Yello L magazines and all the rain had stuck the previous week’s black issue over it and it looked so damn beautiful that I grew jealous of the rain and there was a dog panting in the heat and it made me think of Brion Gysin writing something not quite Arabic.

Full Fathom Five http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2006/07/16/full_fathom_five/ Sun, 16 Jul 2006 19:55:48 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=640 fullftathom.jpg
I lay and I lie
in a bed of oysters
With sheets made of tide
That comes in till it goes
like the eel in my pelvis
or the crab in my nose.

The Little Ugly Man Who Lives Under The Sea http://futureofthebook.org/itinplace/2006/07/14/the_little_ugly_man_who_lives_under_the_sea/ Fri, 14 Jul 2006 23:06:53 +0000 http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/?p=639 seaface.JPG

That Little Ugly Man is me
I was made out of mud and a slather of goo
I walk with a foot, but never a shoe.
I dig and I float and piss where I sleep
I shit where I breath and fuck where I eat
I’m the Little Ugly Man who lives under the sea

But don’t put on any airs, ’cause you’re just like me.
