

They were shuttling us back in forth in old school buses and pulling over for rest stops when available. When I got out of the bathroom the buses were still there, but everyone else had found alternate transportation. The Bus drivers told me the contract was broken and that I could walk back to the University where we were staying.

The problem with L.A. is that it’s hostile to pedestrians, or so I am told. I’ve never really been in L.A. so I wandered around a landscape that I modeled on the side of highway America (all lube job joints, and chain restaurants) plus palm trees. It was like a Labyrinth of asphalt and ending sidewalks. I tried calling people to figre out where I was, but my descriptions were too vague:
“I’m by the Wendy’s across from the MacDonald’s”
“That could be anywhere, old sport. What are you doing tonight?”
“I’m trying to get home.”
Everyone had plans to go out and then eat pancakes in the morning. I mean, everyone I called. They were no help. Pancakes?