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April 12, 2005

tape drawing + the baby gates

tape drawing + the baby gates
Originally uploaded by R.bean.
In a way, Christo and Jeanne-Claude's definitive work on the Gates is the sketches - the 25 years of planning, campaigning, and sustaining the vision. But the minute the first banner unfurled, the Gates belonged to everyone. There will eventually be a "definitive" book of C and J-C-approved photographs, just as there is already a definitive volume collecting the sketches. I would argue, though, that it is only the latter that can claim the definition of something. Since they belong to everyone, everyone has the right to re-situate the Gates and define them as they choose. R.bean's strange tape structure with baby gates is a great contribution to the collective memory.

Posted by ben vershbow at April 12, 2005 2:58 PM


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