Together with the Institute for the Future of the Book, I created this website as a way to think to about games. Games, as in computer games, are the subject of my next book, GAM3R 7H30RY. I am interested in two questions.
- can we explore games as allegories for the world we live in?
- can there be a critical theory of games?
I thought it would be interesting to share the book in its draft state to see if these questions are something other people might have ideas on or might want to pursue. more ...
Book Chapters
McKenzie Wark on 151.
Irena: somebody wrote a patch to fix this. There was some reason Jesse didn't use it, but it escapes me....
McKenzie Wark on 147.
John: I like the idea of exploring Rez as music creation, and thanks for your ref re the Trance Vibrator....
Jude on 003.
First time here and i would like to point out that on the third line you used pics instead of pictures. since this is th...
antonio on 001.
dose that mean that you would possibly
be making another book based on what you just said....
stephen ross on 027.
you treat you're sims better than i did mien staid at home and made garden gnomes all day for £25 per gnome. the way tha...
John Tyson on 147.
Ah, so I see that you did find the Trance Vibrator. I hadn't gotten to this page yet when I wrote my previous comment, ...
John Tyson on 141.
Let me preface by saying a few things:
-I find your concept for this book fascinating, especially because I feel that...

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